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Be Part of the Miracle

About Us

Opportunities Not Handouts, Africompassion’s mission is to build and lift the individual lives of the community it serves beginning with the Kogaja village and Ikoma ward in Tanzania, one person, one family and one village at a time. Africompassion is focused on sustaining and nurturing the 82 orphans it sponsors by helping them achieve health and obtaining an education. Africompassion is engaged in the process of developing an exceptional private school in Tanzania that will provide an educational experience comparable to excellent American schools with a curriculum adapted to local needs and circumstances for 650 students in grades K – 12 on 6.5 acre site in Kogaja owned by Africompassion including community adult education classes. Africompassion seeks to enable the communities it serves by providing clean water through filtration technology and cost-effective well drilling, and sanitation services through training and implementing sanitation practices. We partner with Africompassion Organization to help them work to eliminate poverty, provide education and help people become self-reliant.

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Our Financials

Africompassion believes in transparency, accountability, and frugality. We are incredibly grateful for the support and generosity of our donors and feel responsible to be good stewards over all funds received to ensure maximum impact for the impoverished people we are striving to help through clean water, education, and self-reliance.

We use funds donated for the projects we sponsor and only retain reasonable reserves for contingencies. We govern our finances by these principles as detailed in our financial management policy.

Meet Our Team


Steve Whitehouse

Founder - Director

Jerald Malamba


Kent Myers


April Van Tassell

Fundraising Chair

Jerald Malamba


Ruth Naylor


Rosie Gremmert

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